8 November 2015

The End but new beginnings

Dear friends

Welcome to our final blog
Our time with BMS finally comes to an end on the 9th November, after a little over 4 years. Our final Church visit was at Belle Vue Baptist Church, Southend on Sunday 25th October. Our speaking engagements started on the 1st September at the Welsh women’s conference in Lampter Wales, and from that very first visit to our last we have been given a very warm welcome by all. We visited both new Churches and those we had visited before, all showing a lot of interest in the work of the hospital and the most recent projects.
We think daily of our life back in Chad and sometimes of the things that we miss such as the warmth or should we say heat, the simplicity of life and in particular our friends and colleagues, their wide open smiles and laughter. Although we felt sad to leave we know that it was absolutely the right decision. On numerous occasions since our return God has shown us that our life is now here in the UK. We have been able to help out the family, from aging parents to our first newly born Granddaughter.

We were thrilled to welcome baby Isobel into the world on Sunday 25th October, all went well and mother, baby and dotting dad are all doing really well. It has been wonderful to be part of this whole experience and being here has been very special. As we get use to our new Granddaughter we have the exciting news that we are going to have a second grandchild due in April.

There is also exciting news on the job front. Malcolm has been appointed Church centre manager for St Philips Church in Mill road Cambridge. It is an area of Cambridge we know relatively well with all its problems and diversity. The Church has a lot of outreach programs and works within the local community with charities we have both been drawn to in the past and with which Malcolm hopes to now get more involved with. The work will be very different from the work in Chad and will have its own unique challenges. Please pray that this transition will go well and once back in our own house in Cambridgeshire we will start to feel really settled. We are currently still living in a BMS house in London until January.

We are currently enjoying the autumn colours, managing to make the most of our surroundings here on the outskirts of London whilst earlier in the year walking in the Derbyshire countryside and even wandering around shops still has its appeal at the moment. .

We have both joined the local gym and are actively trying to get our fitness back as had been ignored whilst in Chad. It’s slowly getting easier but now realise how unfit we had become

We look forward to Christmas and the New Year, being able to spend time with our family and friends. Thank you to all who have read our Blogs, for your support and encouragement over the last 4 years. We have and do still feel truly blessed and know that Gods hand continues to guide us.

Love Malc & Sue