17 May 2012

Completion of our Training at IMC

IMC - Home for the past 9 months
Hi, this is our first Blog as we have now completed our training with BMS & are in the process of packing our bags to start our new life in Chad. For the past 9 months we have been living & training at the BMS International Mission Centre in Birmingham as preparation for this next step in our journey. Living within a community of like minded people, both families & singles, has proved great preparation for the work we are planning to undertake in Chad. This has been a significant change from our previous life living & working in Cambridgeshire as a community respiratory nurse for the NHS & as a wealth adviser.
A normal day at IMC would start with devotions followed by lectures that varied from looking at Christianity & Bible studies, different faiths & cross cultural living. There has been the opportunity to work within the local community, working with different faith groups, plus working in small groups assisting with maintaining the building & grounds.

Our Commissioning
One of the many challenges we will face is to be able to speak fluent French to enable us to communicate effectively with the Chadian people. To help with this we have been fortunate to start language learning as part of our studies at IMC. Initially we had an intensive 3 weeks in January at a Christian language school in Massy France. On our return to IMC we continued with weekly tuition with Stephane, a local French born teacher, who has helped to move us along with our understanding. 
With our studies now completed followed by commissioning services both at IMC & at the Baptist Assembly in Central Hall Westminster London, we are now in the difficult stage of saying our goodbyes to family & friends.
As part of our preparation for leaving we started with a farewell party for friends & family. We are now looking forward to our commission service at our home church in Bluntisham followed by our youngest son, Jack's, wedding to Vickie the week after. We will then be visiting Link churches & family before our departure on the 19th June when we shall fly from Birmingham via Paris to N'Djamena Chad.