2 February 2013

Positive Outcomes

Welcome to our latest blog and thanks for your continued support. We would like to start by thanking all of you who sent Christmas cards and gifts which we have been receiving over the past couple of weeks, late but very welcome. We are sure that those that have not yet arrived will one day unexpectedly be posted in our box at the post office, so thank you, it is such a lift to receive news from home.
January seems to have flown by and it doesn't seem possible that a month has gone by since Christmas. We have been extremely busy at the hospital with many on-going projects whilst at the same time trying to ensure we continue to prioritise our language training, which at times has been very difficult due to the work that needs to be done at the hospital.

We would like to share the good news of some of the achievements over the past couple of months.

Twins born by the light of a mobile phone
One of the initial projects that needed kick starting was to install solar lighting and power at the hospital to reduce our reliance on old diesel driven generators and to provide light at night for both staff and patients. After successfully completing the initial priority project in the Maternity unit, which means that women no longer have to give birth by torch or mobile phone light, we obtained further funding to move onto phase 2. This project is to provide power during the day and night to enable the laboratory to complete routine and emergency tests to aid diagnosis without having to wait for the expensive generator to be run. In addition the project provides light and power to some of the consulting rooms and to the administration and payment office.  Being able to work with a light and sometimes a fan can make a huge difference to how people function and relate to one another. I for one am extremely grateful  for the improvements. The project is now completed and we are planning the 3rd phase, to provide light on the 4 wards to enable ward rounds and dispensing of medication at night to be achieved more effectively. It will also mean that visitors will be able to see their relatives during evening visiting time. If funding permits we will then revisit the initial projects to enhance them to provide a more effective service as each project has been installed with the ability to add to and improve as more funds become available. The additional benefit of these solar projects is that our overall running costs for fuel and generator maintenance and repairs should be reduced.

New solar panels for the maternity unit
Unfortunately, due to a couple of incidents, we have had to review our security at the hospital. This has necessitated the installation of razor wire around the perimeter wall to prevent intruders entering the hospital via this method. Plus we have needed to increased our security staff numbers to better secure the hospital for staff, patients and hospital property. This has been an unexpected expense for the hospital but has now been completed.

A gift of an X-Ray machine and associated equipment from America, which came via the containers late last year, has meant the need for a new building to house it. A donation of funds was received in December which meant the building work could commence and which has now effectively been completed.  We will no longer need to transport patients into town to receive an X-ray, saving both time and money for the patients and enabling us to treat them in a more timely manner.  A Radiographer from America is currently here to train staff on how to use the equipment and take effective X-rays safely.

Sue trying out the new water pump
Another unexpected gift and benefit for the hospital was the installation of a new water pump within the hospital grounds, which will in time have a solar solution added to it. This is a deep well pump which provides fresh clean water by hand for the patients and relatives and was donated by a Swiss mission organisation as they thought we were a worthy recipient. At present both the hospital and private housing share the same water supply from a tank which needs water being pumped into it at regular intervals via a generator.  This can prove costly as during busy periods we frequently empty the tank.

The new solar solution will in time reduce our need to pump water via a generator  for the hospital, enabling it to have its own separate water supply and so reduce our running costs.  

Transport issues resolved !

Finally after many months of making do and trying to balance the costs against our income we have managed to repair all the hospital vehicles enabling us to function more effectively. Parts have been difficult to obtain, as have reliable good mechanics but this problem has now thankfully been resolved. 

So a busy time but very rewarding to see solutions being implemented for the good of the hospital and the patients it serves. Things haven't always gone smoothly or as swiftly as we would like but learning to be patient, believing and trusting a solution will be found are important lessons to learn.

Oh and by the way we past our French exams.
Love Malc and Sue