3 March 2013

Start of our new home

Welcome to our latest Blog and thanks for your continued interest and support. 
Another month has flown by and the hot season is now starting to kick in, can't say we really noticed that much of a cooler period! The daily temperatures are now constantly in the low to mid 40c or around 112f, so can be very draining. Our fluid intake has obviously had to be increased to ensure we don't become dehydrated but an added benefit is the drastic reduction in the number of mosquitoes. They are still around but in much smaller numbers and is very tempting to sleep without a protective net to give us more air, we did try this the other night but woke up bitten in various places so perhaps is a little too soon. Everything is now very much drier so as soon as there is any breeze or slight wind the dust is blown around which causes breathing difficulties and blocked ears and noses. The temperatures will now steadily climb over the coming months with no respite until the rains in July. This will be our first experience of the hot season so will be interesting to see how we cope as work and school will continue in the same way, but presumably at an even slower pace. Early afternoon is a particularly difficult time as all you feel like doing is lying down to sleep.

Wards in need of lighting
Over the past month we have had various visitors from our partner organisation in America, including the founder and the new CEO. They have been here to review the work and to plan how best to move forward with new initiatives. The issue as always centres rounding funding and getting new people to come here to work for longer periods. We have other guests scheduled for the upcoming months including an American doctor, a retired doctor and his wife from the UK who will be here for around 8 weeks plus a young female pharmacist from the UK who will be with us for a year.  It is always good to receive new visitors, but managing the expectations of what can be achieved in short periods of time is always challenging as obtaining materials and equipment can be a frustratingly long drawn out process. We need to leave our western time-scales and watches in the departure lounge of the airport from where we come from!
Hospital at night !
The number of patients coming to the hospital has stayed at high levels despite all other hospitals being open in N'Djamena and the surrounding district. This puts additional pressure on the hospital and the need to expand our services but we are limited by our funding, facilities and staffing numbers. The recent completion of the X-Ray building and now having the ability to take onsite X-Rays is a great addition to our services. We have also started on the final phase of installing solar lighting for the wards enabling better care of our patients at night to be provided. This should be completed within the month and will be a major benefit to all.

Despite the successful completion of projects and initiatives the outstanding list of new projects to undertake continues to grow. So good planning of the priority of the need and managing of resources available will be required.  This can be frustrating as there are real benefits to be had from each separate project and we are all impatient to implement improvements for the benefit of all who come here for help.

We are now looking forward to a break at the end of this month as we are scheduled to go on a retreat with our fellow BMS workers here in Africa. We will all meet up in Pretoria for a 5 day break and will be great to meet up again with some of the people we trained with at IMC last year and also other workers we have heard about but never met. It will be great to see what others have been doing and how they have been coping with the various challenges they have faced. We will also take a week's holiday at this time and plan on going to the SA coast to relax and see the sea, something that we have missed.

Start of our new home
Foundations completed

Another piece of good news is that our home at the hospital has started to be built. It has been a difficult process trying to find a suitable builder, agreeing a plan , a price and a work schedule, but has now been achieved. The builder started work a couple of weeks back and has made good progress and he plans to have it completed before we finish language training at the end of May. This will enable us to move in and start work full time at the hospital during June, which will be a blessing as we have recently been given notice that we need to vacate our existing accommodation by the 1st June.

Love Malc and Sue