13 November 2013

Flying Visit

Hi everyone and thanks for your continued interest and support.

This month's Blog is short and sweet as we are writing it whilst in the UK for a quick visit home for our eldest son Thomas's wedding to Rosie. It was a wonderful day and we were blessed with a great service and celebration reception afterwards in London. 

Vickie, Jack, Rosie, Thomas, Sue, Malc
We are writing this whilst enjoying a beautiful November day at the seaside on the east coast. We decided to extend our stay here in the UK a little longer as both felt in need of a break as both were very tired and weary after the past few months busyness at the hospital in Guinebor. We hadn't realised just how tired we were or looked until we saw an unexpected photo of ourselves taken by our son. A few days of relaxing in the beautiful English countryside and walking by the sea has however recharged our batteries.
We have been struck by the contrast of the 2 countries and how beautiful the English countryside is, even in November. Today we walked in glorious sunshine and were able to sit on the beach and simply take in the surroundings and relax. Everywhere looks so clean and well looked after, little rubbish lying around and plenty of things to see and do. The shops are full of lovely things to eat or with so many different gadgets to buy. Food seems to taste so much better here and we seem to have been constantly eating as is so readily available. This is such a contrast to our normal surroundings and daily lives. We are of course well aware that many are also struggling here in the UK as we have seen in the newspapers or on the television. 

However despite all the benefits and luxuries we have experienced whilst being here we have come to realise that our simpler lives back in Chad are where we need to be. Much as we will miss our families and friends, particularly as Christmas is coming, we are looking forward to returning home.

Blessings Malc and Sue