12 January 2014


Happy New Year to you all. 

We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas & New Year celebrations. 

We have just spent our 2nd Christmas here in Chad, but our first actually living & working at the hospital complex. Christmas is a very short celebration here, being a Muslim country, with only Christmas Day being an official holiday. 

Despite this Christmas Day still proved to be a very busy time but did include us as a team having time to visit the patients to give out small gifts to all who were staying in the hospital along with their relatives. This was certainly a highlight of the day, being able to share this special day with all who were here. 

Gifts Received 
New Jumper

In the evening we did manage to all sit down to our Christmas meal together at around 7pm & fortunately was completely uninterrupted, which is indeed a rare occurrence. As the team here is growing, now 12 in number including children, we decided to do a safari meal, with a different course being enjoyed at a different house which was great fun.

Christmas Dinner

What made the event even more special was a gift we had received from a group of children from a church in America. They had decided as a small group to write to us all here to thank us for the work that we are doing and for spending our Christmas so far away from our families and friends. Each one of us received a letter which we shared together as a team prior to eating, each reading the letter to the rest of us. It was such a treat to receive an unexpected gift of a letter and to know others were thinking of us at this time.

Letters received
Communication from family, friends and churches is such an important aspect of our lives here and something we all look forward to and need to help us through those difficult times. It is also something we can easily take for granted back home in the UK as Skype, Email and the telephone is so readily available and easy to do and use. Not so here where we frequently have no or poor Internet connection, no signal for telephone calls and very infrequent and erratic postal service. This can make communication and keeping up to date with news and events from home difficult and can prove frustrating and upsetting particularly when people at home are suffering.

Sharing News
This week when we collected the post from the post office, always a treat we eagerly look forward too, we received late arriving Christmas cards & parcels along with our son's wedding invitation for his wedding which took place last November. But despite it being late it was still such a treat to receive it. We know of other post that has been sent that has yet to arrive, but it will eventually and when it does it will provide great excitement and joy.

How very different from our open and always available communication with God, there is never a problem contacting or talking with Him. His communication channel is always available and He is always glad to hear from us. As we start the New Year, uncertain and unsure of what challenges we may face or what lies ahead of us, we do however know that we won't be able to accomplish any of it in our own strength. 

Thank you to all who have taken the time to write to us over the past year and kept us up to date with all that is happening at home. We may be a long way away but still like to know what is happening with you and in your lives.

Blessings Malc & Sue