15 March 2014

Back in the UK

Hi and welcome to our latest update. 

We are currently back in the UK, a few weeks ahead of our expected return date due to Malc having been very unwell. For the last 5 weeks in Chad Malc has been suffering with an infection, which started in his feet but quickly spread to his whole body. The last 2 weeks he was confined to the house. Due to the medication not resolving the problem, the increasing temperatures and increased dusty living conditions in Chad contributing to his illness it was decided to fly us home early to obtain treatment. This was in an effort to try to recover before embarking on our Home assignment schedule of visits. A flight was booked for us by BMS on the Monday & we flew home the next evening, giving very little time to pack or prepare.
Fortunately since being back the more pleasant temperatures, great medical help provided by the NHS and the appropriate medication have all contributed to Malcs much improved health. If this continues we would anticipate being able to meet all the expected  visits starting in April.

We have attached the list of Churches and dates we shall be speaking at during the next few months and look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at these venues.

Date and Time                                              Location

Sunday 13th April 10:30                                 Bluntisham Baptist Church 

Sunday 27th April 11:00  & 18:00                  Moriah Baptist Church Risca 

Sunday 4th May    10:45                                Darkhouse Baptist Church Coseley 

Tuesday 6th May   19:00                                Burton Latimer Baptist Church 

Sunday 11th May  10:30                                Bromham Baptist Church 

Sunday 11th May  18:00                                Theydon Bois Baptist Church

Saturday 17th May 15:00 - 17:00                   Harston Baptist Church 

Sunday 18th May  10:45                                Swavesey Baptist Church 

Sunday 25th May  10:45                                Harlow Baptist Church 

Sunday 1st June     10:30 & 18:30                  Stroud Baptist Church 

Sunday 8th June    10:30                                 Mansfield Baptist Church 

Thanks for your continued support
Malc & Sue