9 June 2014

Still in the UK....

Hi everyone & welcome back to our blog. We have now completed all of our visits to Churches and supporters in the UK so will be taking a week's holiday to relax and spend some time with our family.

We would like to thank all of the churches and different congregations that we have met during our time here.

It has been a real pleasure and privilege to visit so many different churches and to meet so many people who are interested and supportive of the work of BMS in Chad.

During our time here we have managed to visit  11 different churches plus met with others from surrounding Churches.

We have travelled nearly 4000 miles whilst here, so are extremely grateful for the loan of a car which has enabled us to get around.
It has been a great encouragement to us to know so many are praying for us,  the hospital and the services that we are trying to provide whilst showing Gods love for all his people. Please continue to keep in touch and continue to support us all.

Burton Latimer

Theydon Bois

We are still in the UK and our future plans are still uncertain. We had planned to return to Chad on 26th June but due to Malc's ongoing health issues this may have to be delayed. Both of us are in good health after a couple of months of cooler climate, rest and recovery which was much needed. We have both put back on the weight we had lost and probably more to help sustain us on our return!

However Malc's skin condition has not cleared completely and will need further medication to help resolve, but this particular medication needs careful monitoring. If we were to stay in the UK this would not be an issue but obviously due to the harsher living conditions and health provision available in Chad we need to be sure that we aren't taking unnecessary risks and that the problem can be managed.
Once all is in place and all are happy that the support we will need is available then we shall return to continue with what has been started.This is obviously far from ideal and very frustrating but is now out of our hands. 


Please continue to pray that a resolution to this can be found quickly. 
We shall update you all once everything becomes much clearer and our final departure date is known.

Malc & Sue