10 July 2014

Make the most of it

Hi and welcome to our latest blog and yes we are still here in the UK.

"Make the most of it" - this has been the over whelming advice given to us ever since we knew our return date to Chad had been and gone and certainly the advice I would give to someone in the same situation as us. So why do I feel as if I am playing hooky. What's the problem with having extra time to spend with family and friends while watching the vast amount of sport that's been happening here in the UK?  As you know we are great sports fans, Malc in particular. We were sad to have missed the London Olympics 2012 and Bradley Wiggins winning the tour de France so we thought great we would not only see England's opening games in the World cup but be able to see it through to the final. We could also watch Wimbledon and all of the tour de France. We were fortunate as Sues mum lives in Chelmsford so we could actually walk out into the countryside, sit on the roadside to soak up the atmosphere and witness this great sporting event in person. Even if it did mean sitting and waiting for 4 hours for a 10 second glimpse, but certainly worth it. Unfortunately the results have not been as we would have liked, England being knocked out in the group stage, Andy Murray losing at Wimbledon in the quarter finals and Chris Frome one of the favourites for the tour de France crashing out on day five. But we were here and we got to see it live.

Tour Carnival
The riders finally arrive

I am sure those of you who are working both here in the UK and abroad must be thinking "lucky things". The strange thing is that normally you look forward to a holiday, as the anticipation of it is half the pleasure of actually taking a break, thinking I have worked hard and earned this. How strange it feels to have an unplanned holiday. We know that all things happen for a reason and we are working to Gods plan and timing but as simple humans, we have found it difficult at times to understand why He would want us to stay in the UK when we know our colleagues back in Chad are having to pick up the extra work load. We thought Malc's skin condition would clear and certainly the acute phase seemed to resolve quickly but he has been left with a chronic condition which the doctors have been trying to resolve with less invasive therapy. But it was made clear to us that Malc would not be able to return to Chad when his condition would flare up for no apparent reason and never truly go away. It was then that he needed to start new medication that required careful monitoring in the early stages and things put in place to enable Malc to stay on the medication while in Chad. This plan is now thankfully coming together so we can start looking forward again for a departure date. So now we feel we can have a holiday, we are treating ourselves to 3 nights on the East coast to take in the bracing North Sea air. We are also trying to improve our fitness, Malc is riding his bike most days and Sue has bought a hula-hoop and managing to stick to the recommended 10 minutes each day despite having dropped it on her toe the second day and requiring strapping to be able to carry on.

Bike ride along the Canal
Sue using the Hula-Hoop

Now it really will be time to say goodbye to family, some how it feels harder this time perhaps because we have seen more of them and feel more involved in their lives. It was lovely to spend time with Thomas and Rosie in London, and to see Jack and Vickie in Cambridgeshire as they settle into their first home. We feel very blessed that we could slot back in so easily to being Mum and Dad.

A Spring Christmas with the family
So to all of you who advised us to make the most of it, thank you as eventually we did. We still don't have a definite return date but we know it is coming. To those of you who are Christians this sounds familiar and it is in this knowledge that we have hope and a future to look forward to.

Malc & Sue