9 November 2014

Opportunities to outreach

Welcome to our latest Blog. The last time we wrote we mentioned that we had been having a lot of problems with our infrastructure. Generators, Solar, water, vehicles all had been giving us problems which we are pleased to say have been improved upon although not all completely resolved. This has been helped by a recent visit by 2 Christian supporters from the US, Eric and Mike, who came for 3 weeks to work on specific infrastructure projects. They came with the aim of looking at how to use a brick making machine to build walls around the land we have been given but which we don’t yet use plus install new generators for our operating bloc and water supply.

Eric, Alphonse and Mike
Coming here with a plan is always a good idea, but being adaptable and willing to change in the face of local difficulties is also a requirement. Everything we attempt to do here always takes far longer than anticipated or proves more challenging than expected. Thankfully both Eric and Mike came with plenty of enthusiasm and determination but were also willing to listen and change their plans as we found an ever increasing list of tasks for them to do. In their time here they achieved a great deal and improved our facilities which will aid the work of the hospital but I think they will have left feeling pretty worn out. Working at the pace they worked at is not sustainable over a longer period here and we are extremely grateful for the work they did whilst here and for the improvements they made. An additional benefit of their visit was it opened our eyes to things that we had come to accept as normal as we see all the time and don’t see as a problem. Having a fresh pair of eyes to view things made us look at things differently and made us realise we could improve on how we do certain things.

In our last Blog we mentioned briefly that an artist had begun to paint health promotional artwork and Arabic scripture on the walls surrounding our outpatient area. This work has progressed really well with the artist using vivid colours for the paintings which has transformed the whole area. The Arabic script has also progressed well with the end of the project now being in sight. We decided that we needed to add the reference of each passage of scripture in French as well as the Arabic to promote discussion with those who will view it. The idea being that if someone who can’t read Arabic sees the scripture but does read French will still be able to find the passage in the Bible and be able to discuss with those around them. We are hoping this will provide a great opportunity for our hospital Pastor, Djibrine, to outreach within the community of patients who will view these pictures and scriptures whilst waiting to see a doctor, nurse or lab technician.

Reaching out to the local community via our work is obviously the priority for why we are here so we are constantly seeking different ways in which to do this. As language is an obvious barrier to this we need to think of other ways in which to achieve this. In the coming week we shall be attending a seminar aimed at showing us ways to engage with the community through projects. This is being led by people who have been working in Africa for over 20 years so we hope to gain further insights and ideas. A future project we would like to start is a community garden using some of the land that we have but which is currently not used. We hope to engage the hospital community and the surrounding villages to start to grow vegetables and fruit trees which can provide a source of work and food for those in need. By involving others and teaching them how to grow produce will hopefully integrate us further into our community here at Guinebor II. If anyone has suggestions of what we might be able to grow here in the dust and sand please let us know.
Outpatients waiting


Malc and Sue