11 May 2015

Back to Work

Hi everyone and welcome to our latest Blog

We have recently returned from a brief but very enjoyable private visit to the UK to see our families and friends. We were very fortunate to arrive in the UK during a very warm April enabling us to enjoy the spring sunshine and the beautiful English countryside. We also enjoyed the tasty food resulting in both of us regaining a few pounds while there. Highlights during our time in the UK were being fortunate to be able to celebrate our daughter in law, Vickie’s birthday, attend our eldest son Thomas’s Masters Graduation ceremony at the Albert Hall in London and spend time with Sue’s mum who had recently celebrated her 90th birthday.

Also while in the UK it was great to be able to visit Sue’s mum’s community church in Chelmsford who have been very supportive of her in recent months, for which we are extremely grateful. Also we were able to visit with our House groups, our home church and one of our support churches, Arbury Road Baptist church in Cambridge, on the Sunday prior to returning to Chad. It was great to be able to take part in church services where we could fully understand the message and all that was happening without worrying about language differences.

We were a little apprehensive about returning to Chad as our visa was due to expire on the day we returned, plus our suitcases were full of equipment and purchases for the hospital. Items such as blood pressure cuffs and medical reference books for the staff which are very expensive or unavailable in Chad but much cheaper in the UK, wool, knitting needles, blankets, baby hats, jumpers etc. However our trip back and re-entry into the country was without problem and we are now readjusting to the significant increase in temperature and recommencing work at the hospital.
In the 3 weeks away building work has continued at a great pace with significant progress having been made on both the exterior security walls and the new maternity building. It is good to see the progress made which bodes well for their completion prior to the rains arriving in the next few months.

We now look forward to readjusting back into our lives here and will continue to update you on our work and progress with further blogs in the coming months.

Thank you all for your continued support

Malc & Sue