11 July 2015

The Final Chapter

Dear friends welcome to our last Blog from Chad.

This will be the final chapter of our life here in Chad, as we depart in August we shall be leaving with mixed feelings. When we left the UK on 19th June 2012 we had no end date to return knowing we would be visiting family and friends each year but felt our home and life would be in Chad for a number of years to come. That has turned out not to be the case and after a little more than 3 years we return to the UK with a couple of suitcases less but with many memories and experiences which will remain with us forever. For those of you who read our prayer letter we have explained why we felt it was the right time to leave.
Little Sue
Daily Chores

Life in Chad at times has been hard, for us the language barrier was always an issue especially for Sue who likes to chatter and found this difficult to do, but has improved her acting skills no end as at times when at a loss for the right word she would resort to acting it out. The heat and the dust which at times are overbearing we won’t miss, but is something you do actually get used to. The cold showers are not great and the crazy, dangerous way they drive here will be things we won’t miss, but there are also many things we shall, particularly our Chadian colleagues and friends who have made our time here memorable. The simple life, not worrying about consumerism and the pressures of living in a fast moving western culture also have many attractions.

We informed our Chadian colleges this week that we would be leaving Chad on the 9th August and were overwhelmed by the response, I think they, like us, thought we would be here for many years. They were sad and tried to say all the things they could think of to make us stay and it was then that we really realised the enormity of our decision but also knew that it was the right decision. Our house help Nemercie was particularly upset as we won’t now be around to see her little Sue grow up and be the support for her in the coming years. She has become part of our extended family and is therefore much harder to say goodbye.  

Dangerous Driving
Although we are returning to the UK with no employment and initially no home we know that God will provide. We placed our trust in God when we came to Chad that he would guide and protect us and we are doing the same again as we return to the UK. We return the same people but also changed in many ways and we pray that we can use those changes in some way once home.

We are looking forward to being with our family and friends who we love and are greatly looking forward to becoming grandparents for the first time in October.

Wild Life
These last few weeks at the hospital have been very busy. Normally at this time of year during Ramadan and the start of the rainy season we see the number of patients drop. But although the number arriving through the gate has started to tail off, those needing admission have remained at a constant level, particularly the number of sick children we are seeing. The rains so far have been sporadic with a heavy down pour once a week which is good for us as it means the road has a chance to dry out allowing us to get into town once a week, but also for the patients to arrive here.

At the hospital we have been finishing off the major projects such as the wall and the maternity building plus putting things in place for when we leave. The list of things to do is slowly going down and the packing of suitcases has started. Deciding what we should keep and take back to the UK with us has started although not surprisingly there is very little that we now have that would be of use once back in the UK. A few locally painted pictures and handcrafted ornaments will be our reminders of our time here along with our many photos and fond memories.
We understand that Chad has been in the news back in the UK for all the wrong reasons, which is very rare, and has been an unsettling past few weeks, but normality has started to return, thankfully.
We look forward to seeing some of you as we will be visiting churches and supporters once back in the UK before finally leaving BMS to start our new but as yet unknown futures.

Thanks for all your support

Malc & Sue