8 August 2015


Welcome to our last Blog as we leave for the UK tomorrow night we will embark on the next chapter of our lives, but what that will involve is still unknown.

Our last weeks in Chad turned out to be far busier than anticipated with the number of patients coming to the hospital remaining constant. In previous years we have seen the numbers decrease during the months of July and August this year this was not the case. This resulted in us having to work right up until the day before we left and was particularly hard for Sue as had been on-call constantly for the last 6 weeks it was a case of having to get on with it and trust that her stamina would last. Fortunately it did and we were able to spend our last 2 days packing up our house and belongings for the trip back.

During the final week the staff and our friends at the hospital organised a farewell fete for us which was a wonderful occasion and way to say goodbye to all. During this final week the build of the new maternity building was also completed, on time and on budget, and the contractor, Aaron, also wanted to organise a celebration fete to officially handover the keys. We therefore decided to combine the 2 events which enabled us to show off the new facilities to all the staff before having a time of celebration with food and drink.  

The occasion was at times very difficult as we needed to say goodbye to all our Chadian friends and colleagues whom we have become extremely attached too. It was particularly hard for our adopted family of Nemercie and little Sue and Malcs good friend N’Dilmbaye. Listening to testimonies from our friends and the sadness and regret that we had to leave was very emotional and heartfelt. The gifts we received were amazing and will be a constant reminder to us of our time spent here and the friendships that we had formed.

Once back in the UK we will have a time of rest before embarking on our church visits and will be at the following venues over the coming months. If you would like to see us and hear a little more about our amazing time in Chad then please come along to one of these. We would love to see you.

1-3 September – Zenana Conference, Lampeter
13 September – Mansfield 10:30
27 September – Kingsbury 10:45
4 October – Darkhouse 10:45
11 October – Burton Latimer 10:45
18 October – Stroud 10:30
25 October – Southend-on-Sea, Belle Vue 10:30

Thank you for your continued support over the past few years

Malc & Sue